Morgan Caravan Hire - Family Owned Caravans  

Please provide your name and email address so we can reply to your message. The details that you provide will only be used to reply and will not be used for any other purposes nor will they be passed to any other companies. 

You do not have to tell us your name or email but we will not be able to reply without it. In that case please do not hesitate to contact the number below. 


07941394411 or 07906572647

or email 

Contact Us 

Non pet friendly with decking caravan availability & prices 

A £50 returnable bond, that is returned if there is no damage books the break. This bond can be paid via paypal, cheque or bank transfer.   

No passes are included, they can be purchased online before and activities can be booked in advance or they can be purchased on arrival at Haven.  

​Duvets and pillows are provided, bedding can also be supplied at the cost of £12 per double and £6 per single. The non dog friendly with decking has 3 bedrooms and sleeps max 6 people. 

The caravan is strictly pet and smoke/vape free. If there are any signs of smoking/vaping or of pets being in the caravan the £50 bond will be retained for extra cleaning costs. 

The cost of the break can be paid via cheque, bank transfer or paypal friends and family (to save on fees). 

We can do Mon - Mon, Fri - Fri, Fri - Mon or Mon - Fri , please just ask. 

​​​To secure your break please pay the relevant bond via the buy now button, where you can pay securely by card or paypal. Alternatively please contact us to pay via bank transfer. Please note if using paypal, the bond can be paid via goods and services, however payment for the break is only taken via friends and family due to the fees. 


Monday 3rd March - Monday 10th March 2025: BOOKED TO SHAZIA
Monday 10th March - Friday 14th March 2025: £120
Friday 14th March - Monday 17th March 2025: BOOKED TO GARETH
Monday 17th March - Friday 21st March 2025: £120
Friday 21st March - Monday 24th March 2025: BOOKED TO REBECCA
Monday 24th March - Friday 28th March 2025: £130
Friday 28th March - Monday 31st March 2025: £165
Monday 31st March - Friday 4th April 2025: £140
Friday 4th April - Monday 7th April 2025: BOOKED TO KATE
Monday 7th April - Friday 11th April 2025: £350
Friday 11th April - Monday 14th April 2025: £325
Monday 14th April - Friday 18th April 2025: BOOKED TO PHIL
Friday 18th April - Monday 21st April 2025: BOOKED TO NICOLE
Monday 21st April - Friday 25th April 2025:£295
Friday 25th April - Monday 28th April 2025: £165

Monday 28th April - Friday 2nd May 2025: £160

Friday 2nd May -  Monday 5th May 2025: BOOKED TO NATALIE
Monday 5th May - Friday 9th May 2025: £180

Friday 9th May - Monday 12th May 2025: £180
Monday 12th May - Friday 16th May 2025: £180

Friday 16th May - Friday 23rd May 2025: BOOKED TO SARAH

Friday 23rd May - Monday 26th May 2025: £300
​Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May 2025: £400
Friday 30th May - Monday 2nd June 2025: BOOKED TO ELAINE
Monday 2nd June - Friday 6th June 2025: £200
Friday 6th June - Monday 9th June 2025: £200
Monday 9th June - Friday 13th June 2025: £200
Friday 13th June - Monday 16th June 2025: £200
Monday 16th June - Friday 20th June 2025: BOOKED TO JADE
Friday 20th June - Monday 23rd June 2025: £200 
Monday 23rd June - Friday 27th June 2025: £200

Friday 27th June - Monday 30th June 2025: BOOKED TO ALISHA

Monday 30th June - Friday 4th July 2025: £225

Friday 4th July - Monday 7th July 2025: £200 

Monday 7th July - Friday 11th July 2025: £225

Friday 11th July - Monday 14th July 2025:  £200

Monday 14th July - Friday 18th July 2025: £250

​Friday 18th July - Monday 21st July 2025: BOOKED TO LOUISE
Monday 21st July - Friday 25th July 2025: £400
Friday 25th July - Monday 28th July 2025: BOOKED TO NICOLA

Monday 28th July - Sunday 3rd August 2025: BOOKED TO DEBBIE
Sunday 3rd August - Friday 8th August 2025: BOOKED TO MANDY

Friday 8th August - Monday 11th August 2025: £400
Monday 11th August - Friday 15th August 2025: £475
Friday 15th August - Monday 18th August 2025: £400 
Monday 18th August - Friday 22nd August 2025: £475
Friday 22nd August - Monday 25th August 2025: £400
Monday 25th August - Friday 29th August 2025: £475

Friday 29th August - Monday 1st September 2025: £400 
Monday 1st September - Friday 5th September 2025: £175
Friday 5th September - Monday 8th September 2025: £200

Monday 8th September - Friday 12th September 2025: £175
Friday 12th September - Monday 15th September 2025: £200
Monday 15th September - Friday 19th September 2025: £175 
Friday 19th September - Monday 22nd September 2025: £200
Monday 22nd September - Friday 26th September 2025: £175 
Friday 26th September - Monday 29th September 2025: £200 
Monday 29th September - Friday 3rd October 2025: £275 
Friday 3rd October - Monday 6th October 2025: £200 
Monday 6th October - Friday 10th October 2025: £175  
Friday 10th October - Monday 13th October 2025: £200
Monday 13th October - Friday 17th October 2025: £175
Friday 17th October - Monday 20th October 2025: £200
Monday 20th October - Friday 24th October 2025: £275
Friday 24th October  - Monday 27th October 2025: £250
Monday 27th October - Friday 31st October 2025: £275 
